Flora Salim is a Professor at the School of Computing Technologies at RMIT University, and Deputy Director of RMIT’s Centre for Information Discovery and Data Analytics.

Her research interests include context and behaviour modelling, time-series and spatio-temporal data mining, and pattern recognition and machine learning.

She is an Associate Editor of the PACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), and an Area Editor of Pervasive and Mobile Computing.

She was a Humboldt-Bayer Fellow, Humboldt Fellow — experienced researcher, and Victoria Fellow.

She was the recipient of the the RMIT Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Research Excellence – Early Career Researcher 2016; the RMIT Award for Research Impact – Technology 2018; Victorian iAwards (2014), Australian Research Council (ARC) Postdoctoral Research Industry (APDI) Fellow (2012-2015); IBM Smarter Planet Industry Skills Innovation Award (2010); and a Google Anita Borg Scholar (2008). She obtained her PhD from Monash University in 2009.