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Automated Decision-Making Empirical Mapping Project

Focus Area(s): All
Research Program: Institutions

This project will develop a theoretical classification to operationalise an empirical mapping program for automated decision-making (ADM). Developing a method that maps ADM in our economy will enable us to track growth and development, and use this as an input into further social science analysis which will be of value for research, strategy and policy.

It will provide much-needed answers to questions including: How much ADM is there in the economy and society? What levels? What distribution? How is it changing through time? How is it distributed by sector, by industry? By demographic?


ADM+S Chief Investigator Jason Potts

Prof Jason Potts

Lead Investigator

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Paul Henman

Prof Paul Henman

Chief Investigator

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ADM+S Chief Investigator Megan Richardson

Prof Megan Richardson

Chief Investigator

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Julian Thomas

Prof Julian Thomas

Chief Investigator

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ADM+S Investigator Ivana Jurko

Ivana Jurko

Partner Investigator

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